Tuesday, July 06, 2010

SAVE THE DATE: 9/11/10 - Cocktail Party

Many of you have been asking if we'll have a cocktail party this year. Here it is...just secured the date!

It's time to start making your plans to attend our annual "Cocktail Party". The last 4 parties have been a lot of fun and as word gets out, more and more of our 60's classmates will stop by. Again it will be at the Gaslamp Restaurant and Bar on the corner of Loynes Dr. and PCH (right next to the Best Western Golden Sails Inn). Mark your calendar now for Saturday night, 9/11/10 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m on the outside patio.

This year's date coincides with the Class of 1960's 50th Class Reunion which is on Friday night. So, it is a good way for many out of towners to join in on the fun with other classmates of the '60's.

Start spreading the word. Questions? Contact me at Saints1962@att.net or call 714 775-7139.

Joan (Gordon) Ingram
Class Captain for the Class of '62.

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